Data Analysis using R-training-in-bangalore-by-zekelabs

Data Analysis using R Training

Data Analysis using R Course:

Data analysis consist of data gathering, data cleaning, data processing & visualization. Getting statistical inference out of data. Understanding required maths, probability & statistics. Text processing for inferances. Time series for sales analysis. R is pre-requisite for this hands-on course. More than 5 projects will be done along the course for complete understanding & making learner industry ready. This course ends with introduction to machine learning

Data Analysis using R-training-in-bangalore-by-zekelabs
Data Analysis using R-training-in-bangalore-by-zekelabs
Industry Level Projects
Data Analysis using R-training-in-bangalore-by-zekelabs

Data Analysis using R Course Curriculum

Downloading Open Data
Scanning Text Files
Reading Data from Databases
Create factors
Cleaning data -missing values, NAs
Converting numeric data to categorical
Line plot
Bubble plot
Introduction to Knitr
Continuous distribution
Computing variances
hypothesis testing
population mean
Introduction to apriori algorithm
Generating rules
Plotting associations
Plotting time series
Smoothing time series
Selecting an ARIMA model
Forecasting with an ARIMA model
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Introduction to Regression

Frequently Asked Questions

This "Data Analysis using R" course is an instructor-led training (ILT). The trainer travels to your office location and delivers the training within your office premises. If you need training space for the training we can provide a fully-equipped lab with all the required facilities. The online instructor-led training is also available if required. Online training is live and the instructor's screen will be visible and voice will be audible. Participants screen will also be visible and participants can ask queries during the live session.

Participants will be provided "Data Analysis using R"-specific study material. Participants will have lifetime access to all the code and resources needed for this "Data Analysis using R". Our public GitHub repository and the study material will also be shared with the participants.

All the courses from zekeLabs are hands-on courses. The code/document used in the class will be provided to the participants. Cloud-lab and Virtual Machines are provided to every participant during the "Data Analysis using R" training.

The "Data Analysis using R" training varies several factors. Including the prior knowledge of the team on the subject, the objective of the team learning from the program, customization in the course is needed among others. Contact us to know more about "Data Analysis using R" course duration.

The "Data Analysis using R" training is organised at the client's premises. We have delivered and continue to deliver "Data Analysis using R" training in India, USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Indonesia. We also have state-of-art training facilities based on client requirement.

Our Subject matter experts (SMEs) have more than ten years of industry experience. This ensures that the learning program is a 360-degree holistic knowledge and learning experience. The course program has been designed in close collaboration with the experts working in esteemed organizations such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and similar others.

Yes, absolutely. For every training, we conduct a technical call with our Subject Matter Expert (SME) and the technical lead of the team that undergoes training. The course is tailored based on the current expertise of the participants, objectives of the team undergoing the training program and short term and long term objectives of the organisation.

Drop a mail to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 8041690175 and we will get back to you at the earliest for your queries on "Data Analysis using R" course.

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